Is it possible for an ultrasound to show empty uterus and still be pregnant in the early stages?
- Gestational sac is not visible: In very early pregnancy, the gestational sac, which contains the embryo, can be too small or early in development to be seen on an ultrasound. This is especially true for ultrasounds performed transabdominally (through the abdomen) rather than transvaginally (through the vagina). If the ultrasound is performed too early, the gestational sac may not yet be visible, even if the woman is indeed pregnant.
- Ectopic pregnancy: In an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, such as in the fallopian tubes or cervix. An ultrasound may not detect an ectopic pregnancy within the uterus and only show an empty uterine cavity.
- Implantation delay: In some cases, the fertilized egg may implant later than expected in the menstrual cycle. This can result in a situation where the pregnancy hormone levels are increasing, but the gestational sac is not yet visible on an ultrasound.
- Early miscarriage: An ultrasound may show an empty uterus if a very early miscarriage occurs and the body is in the process of expelling the pregnancy tissue.
It's important to note that an ultrasound cannot always definitively determine pregnancy in the early stages. If the ultrasound does not clearly show a gestational sac, but there is strong evidence of pregnancy such as positive pregnancy tests and rising hormone levels, the doctor may recommend a repeat ultrasound in a few days to confirm the status of the pregnancy.