What services does Fertility Friend online offer?
- Charting and tracking: It allows users to track their fertility signs and symptoms like menstrual cycle length, ovulation, cervical fluid, and basal body temperature.
- Fertility Calendar: It provides a visual way to track fertility signs, identify potential fertile days, and plan for intercourse or insemination.
- Ovulation predictor kit (OPK) tracking: Users can log OPK results to help predict ovulation more accurately.
- Pregnancy Test Tracking: It allows users to record and track the results of pregnancy tests.
- Mobile App: Fertility Friend has a mobile app available for iOS and Android devices, allowing users to track their fertility on the go.
- Educational Resources: The website offers extensive educational resources on topics related to fertility, reproductive health, and family planning. It includes articles, videos, and a comprehensive FAQ section.
- Online Community: The website features an active online community where users can connect with others, ask questions, and share experiences related to fertility.
- Personalized Fertility Chart Interpretation: Fertility Friend offers a premium subscription that includes personalized fertility chart interpretation by certified fertility educators, who provide insights and recommendations based on the individual's unique fertility pattern.