How to Maximize Sperm Count
Visit your doctor so she can check if any particular conditions are preventing a maximum sperm count. You might have issues like a swollen vein in the testicle, inadequate hormone production or an infection in your reproductive tract. You can correct these issues with surgery or medication.
Commit to good lifestyle habits. Quitting smoking will raise your sperm count and normalize sperm production. Stay away from second hand smoke as well. Limiting alcoholic beverages to two or fewer daily and staying away from illegal drugs will also maximize sperm count as well as enhance your libido. Maintaining a healthy weight is also beneficial for increasing your sperm count.
Keep your scrotum cool to maximize your sperm count. Wearing loose-fitting underwear, avoid prolonged heat like hot tubs and saunas and keeping your laptop off your lap will increase sperm production.
Abstain from ejaculating more than a few times a week. This will help keep your sperm count high.
Take natural supplements like zinc and vitamin B12 to maximize your sperm count. Ask your doctor about appropriate dosages. Some traditional Chinese medicine herbs help raise sperm count.They include yin yang-huo and the formula Cinnamon Twig and Poria Pill. Take as directed on the label.