How to Get Pregnant After a Laparoscopy
Give yourself time to heal following laparoscopic surgery. A laparoscopy may be a minimally invasive surgery but it is still surgery. Many patients may need up to two weeks to feel fully recovered. Many types of laparoscopic surgery involve the insertion of carbon dioxide into the abdominal cavity. Carbon dioxide can migrate to other areas of the body and cause pain. Be aware of your symptoms to help report any possible complications to your doctor.
Track your menstrual cycles following recovery from surgery. The first way to determine if you are fertile is to start tracking your menstrual cycles naturally. Purchase a thermometer if you do not already have one. Take your temperature before you get out of bed each morning. Note the temperature. You should see a definite pattern of temperatures between 96.9 and 97.5 during the first part of your cycle. Once ovulation has occurred you should see a jump of at least .2 degrees from earlier temperatures.
Note the length of your cycle. A normal cycle ranges between 24 days and 35 days. The cycle should be composed of days before ovulation and days afterward. The time between your ovulation and your period should be at least 10 days. If this is shorter or you do not see a temperature jump this could signal an underlying problem with your ovarian function.
Meet with your doctor to discuss any follow-up treatments. Many doctors will recommend attempting to conceive starting one month or so after laparoscopic treatment. Once excess endometrial tissue has been lased off this can help create ideal conditions for an egg to fertilize, implant and create a baby. Learn all that you can about your reproductive cycles. Attempt intercourse in the days leading up to ovulation.
Pursue further treatments. Most doctors recommend having unprotected sex for at least a year before consulting a fertility doctor. If you are over age 35 or have a partner who has a known problem most doctors recommend waiting no more than six months. Fertility treatments may include procedures such as ingesting fertility medications or in vitro fertilization.