Impotence Diet
Fried and Fatty Foods
Fatty foods and fried foods are high in saturated fat, which slows down blood flow because of the difficulty the stomach has digesting them. Saturated fat can also be found in dairy products such as whole milk cheese and butter, red meat, the skin of chicken, and nuts. If you want to eat these foods, reduce portion size and limit consumption to once a week. Switch to non-fat milk and replace butter or margarine with heart-healthy oils such as olive, peanut or canola. Red meat also contains high amounts of saturated fat; if you choose to eat red meat, choose extra-lean ground beef to cut down on calories and fat.
Vegetables and Fruit
Fruit and vegetables are high in vitamins and provide energy when consumed throughout the day on a daily basis. Foods that are packed with antioxidants increase blood circulation, which is crucial for maintaining an erection during intercourse. According to Richard Milsten, author of "The Sexual Male," asparagus is considered an aphrodisiac because it is rich in vitamin E, which increases sperm count and enhances arousal. Spinach, mushrooms, artichokes, parsley and okra contain zinc, a nutrient that naturally increases testosterone levels in men. Pomegranates, peaches and bananas are natural aphrodisiacs as well, due to vitamins A and C in all three, and potassium in bananas. These vitamins increase circulation and sperm count.
Ginkgo biloba is used in many natural sexual enhancement pills because it increases blood flow without causing side effects. It can be taken in pill form or made into a tea. Drink at least 2 cups of ginkgo biloba tea to increase blood flow, or take it in pill form once a day or as directed on the bottle label. Magnesium, which is found in potatoes, nuts, spinach and bran and can also be taken in a multivitamin, helps by increasing sperm count. Arginine, an amino acid that enhances sexual arousal, can be found in seafood, soy products and turkey. It can also be taken as a vitamin, found at health food and drug stores. If you decide to take vitamins, notify your doctor in order to monitor any unusual side effects.