Male Infertility Symptoms
There are four main infertility issues for men: hormone problems, ejaculation issues, sperm problems or issues with the testicles. Men may have one or more of these problems if they are found to be infertile.
According to, there are physical symptoms you might notice that might indicate a problem with male fertility. If the problem is with the testicles, one may be significantly smaller than the other, or there could be a visible mass or large vein clump there as well. If it is difficult to urinate, this is also a sign of testicle problems. If hormones are the issue, testicles may be especially small and soft. Vision can be blurry and breast tissue becomes enlarged. Also, voice changes, insomnia and irritability are indications of a hormonal imbalance. If the infertility stems from ejaculation problems, symptoms include milky urine after an orgasm or impotence in general.
A hormone imbalance often interferes with the production of testosterone and sperm, thus, making it difficult or impossible to conceive. Ejaculation problems cause infertility because active sperm are not propelled into the vagina to aid in conception. If there is no sperm, or a low sperm count, this causes fertility issues because there simply isn't anything to fertilize the egg. Testicular issues often hamper the production of sperm. If conditions are too warm, for example, the sperm die.
Although infertility is not a contagious condition, sometimes the original cause of the infertility is contagious. For example, there are several types of sexually transmitted diseases that eventually cause infertility. Those can be transferred from person to person through sexual contact.
Depending on the cause of the infertility, doctors offer many different options for treatment. If the problem is caused by varicose veins in the scrotum, for example, surgery can fix the problem. Otherwise, typically doctors recommend a balanced diet based on the food pyramid and moderate exercise. That, along with keeping the testicles nice and cool does a lot for infertile men. If problems stem from hormones, doctors can prescribe hormone therapy to correct the imbalance.