Fertility Pills Side Effects

Fertility pills are prescribed to women who have difficulty conceiving naturally. These pills stimulate the ovaries to produce more eggs, thus increasing the chances of a successful conception. Though many women have conceived successfully by taking fertility pills, there are a number of possible side effects associated with the pills. Side effects include hot flashes, nausea, vomiting, headaches and vision problems. Some women experience enlarged ovaries or ovarian cysts as a result of fertility pills.
  1. Hot Flashes

    • Women who take fertility pills have reported hot flashes as a side effect of the drug. Hot flashes are a feeling of mild to intense heat accompanied by sweating and a rapid heartbeat.

    Nausea and Vomiting

    • Fertility pills can cause gastrointestinal side effects, including nausea and vomiting. Abdominal bloating and discomfort are also possible side effects.

    Vision Problems

    • A reported side effect of fertility pills is blurred or impaired vision. Vision problems are sometimes accompanied by headaches that range in severity.

    Enlarged Ovaries

    • Because fertility pills target the ovaries to stimulate ovulation, a side effect of fertility pills is enlarged ovaries. Enlarged ovaries can cause sharp abdominal pain.

    Ovarian Cysts

    • Taking fertility pills has been shown to increase a woman's risk of developing ovarian cysts. These cysts are usually not cancerous and subside after treatment ends.

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