Medical Requirements for Egg Donations

An egg donor is someone who donates an egg to a woman who cannot bear a genetic child of her own. The egg donor and recipient undergo a course of fertility treatment called IVF, or in vitro fertilization. Before the donor can donate her eggs she must undergo psychological counseling and submit to extensive medical screening. Once she has passed the screening process, she can be matched with a recipient.
  1. Psychological Screening

    • To donate her eggs, the donor is usually required to submit to psychological screening. Fertility centers seek to find out if the donor has a history of mental illness that may preclude her from being considered as a candidate to donate. She is also carefully counseled to ensure she understands the implication of her decision to participate in the donation process.

    Medical History

    • Potential egg donors are put through a battery of medical tests. These tests are designed to reveal any genetic diseases a donor may carry as well as any diseases that may run in her family. Recipients will want to know if the donor has a family history of illnesses such as cancer or heart disease. The donor will be asked questions about close family members and more distant relatives, including cousins. She may be asked about alcohol, tobacco and drug use as well as about any past fertility issues or concerns.

    Her Reproductive System

    • Potential egg donors also have their reproductive fitness tested. Doctors seek to find out how a donor will react to any stimulation medications she will take during the IVF process. The stimulation medications will force her ovaries to produce multiple eggs. Doctors test to find out if a potential donor has good ovarian reserve via secretion of certain hormones. If these hormones are not in balance, she may not be a good candidate for egg donation. Her ovaries may not produce enough follicles to make viable eggs. If she does not do well on such tests, she will not be allowed to be part of the donor egg pool unless she is donating for a close relative such as a sister or aunt.

    Ability to Follow Directions

    • Egg donors are also screened to determine whether they can adhere to directions. For the process of donation to work, the donor must closely follow instructions by doctors and nurses. The donor must inject herself with medication, show up for appointments and agree to let doctors perform minor surgery and harvest her eggs. If the donor misses appointments during the screening process, or makes it clear to medical personnel that she cannot follow instructions, she will be dropped from the program.

    Body Type

    • A donor's physical characteristics are carefully noted. Her eye color, hair type, height, weight and frame size are charted. This is done to find the best match for her eggs.

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