Does Goji Juice Help With Fertility in Women?
Helping Women by Helping Men
In a roundabout way, it's been found that goji juice can help women with their fertility by helping men. A study listed on the website (Wang Y et al done in 2002) found that the juice has antioxidant properties that improve sperm counts for men. As a result, the men's wives saw improvements to their fertility rates.
Multiple Factors to Aid Fertility
The website lists a plethora of studies that point to the benefits of goji juice. One in particular, found on the US National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health website ( showed that goji juice helped to reduce fatigue in test subjects. While not a direct link to improving fertility, it's well known that fatigue increases infertility in women. Not only is the body less able to become pregnant, but being worn out and tired decreases a woman's desire and ability for intercourse.
Another of the studies on that site (done at the Department of Pathophysiology in the Beijing Medical University) pointed up the positive impact of goji on high blood pressure. This is yet another detriment to women's fertility. If a woman suffers from high blood pressure during pregnancy, it can lead to preeclampsia and hypertension, both of which can cause premature labor and higher infant mortality. So, if you're pregnant and your blood pressure starts to go up, check with your obstetrician about using goji as a means of reducing it.
Another aspect of goji juice that helps with fertility is its anti-aging attributes. In a study done in 2008 by Raymond Chang and Kwok-Fai found that goji has a wide range of positive impacts on the human body. By restoring the overall health for women, their fertility also improves, and the length of time they remain fertile (menopause is delayed) is increased. Also, improvements to the immune system are yet another positive element in the process of helping women with their fertility.