Natural Alternative to Fertility Drugs
Lifestyle Issues
Lifestyle issues can have a negative effect on fertility. Avoid smoking, caffeine, alcohol and the use of illegal drugs if trying to conceive. Caffeine can decrease fertility by 50%. Men should wear boxers and avoid sauna and hot tub use.
Diet and Nutrition
A healthy, well-balanced diet is essential to fertility. Vitamin deficiencies can have a huge impact on successful conception. Vitamins E, C, and those in the B family are vital to promoting a healthy reproductive system. Selenium, zinc, folic acid, and coenzyme Q10 also play important roles in the body by enriching sperm and egg quality and sperm count. Take a daily or prenatal vitamin if trying to conceive, and maintain a balanced diet.
Herbal Remedies
Herbal remedies may help to increase your fertility. Herbs such as red clover, chaste berry, life root, Siberian ginseng, black cohosh and green tea have been used to maintain a healthy reproductive system. One cup of green tea per day can increase your chances of conception by 50%.
Charting the Menstrual Cycle
Charting a woman's menstrual cycle can help to pinpoint when she is most fertile. When charting the cycle, take your basal body temperature (BBT) before rising in the morning. Be sure to monitor cervical mucus. Keep track of other aspects of the monthly cycle such as menstruation days, intercourse, and how you are feeling. A spike in temperature and a thickening in cervical mucus usually signifies the release of the egg and the beginning of the short window of time in which conception can occur.
Other Tips to Try
Other things that promote fertility are regular exercise and reducing stress.
Acupuncture is also becoming a more popular treatment for infertility, but can be time consuming and costly.