Fertility Home Remedy
Infertility in Men
Infertility in men can be caused by certain types of injuries to and disorders of the testes, which are responsible for producing sperm. Damage from viruses, radiation exposure, environmental toxins, heat damage from tight-fitting underwear or pants, use of recreational drugs, smoking, and cancer treatments cyclophosphamide and doxorubicin hydrochloride can cause infertility. Furthermore, systemic illnesses such as cirrhosis, Hodgkin's disease, sickle-cell anemia and acute fevers can also contribute to reproductive issues. The physical abnormality varicocele, in which blood gathers in the testicles, accounts for 20 to 40 percent of cases of infertility and can usually be remedied with surgery. Another physical cause is blockage of the spermatic ducts and can also be surgically corrected. Reduced blood levels of testosterone from the above conditions causes infertility because it lowers sperm production.
Beneficial Herbs
Astragalus increases sperm motility. Take 1,000 mg capsules three times a day. Black cohosh increases motility and viability of sperm. Take a 1,000 mg capsule daily. Dong quai also increases motility and viability. Take as a ferulic acid extract as directed on the label or as a tea. Epimedium stimulates semen creation and nerve activity in the sex organs. Take as directed by an herbalist. Ginseng increases the number of sperm and raises levels of testosterone. Take panax ginseng tincture as directed on the label.
Herbs to Avoid
Men suffering from infertility should avoid jambul, neem and vitex. St. John's wort, gingko and echinacea may hinder the sperm's ability to penetrate the egg.
Infertility in Women
Women who have trouble conceiving may suffer from a variety of conditions such as ovarian cysts, fallopian tube blockages, endometriosis, hypothyroidism and uterine fibroids. Failure of the ovaries to release an egg causes infertility as well. There is a complex hormonal balance that controls ovulation, and many factors, including stress and age, can disrupt this process. Some women suffer from ovulatory failure for no apparent reason at all.
Beneficial Herbs and Chinese Formulas
American ginseng stimulates uterine lining growth. Take tincture as directed on the label. Vitex also stimulates the growth of the uterine lining. Cinnamon twig and poria pill is a traditional Chinese herbal concoction that helps with ovulation. Peony and licorice decoction increases the chances of pregnancy, namely in women suffering from ovarian cysts. Warm the menses decoction treats infertility that is accompanied by bleeding between periods or irregular menstruation.
Herbs to Avoid
Women dealing with infertility should avoid the following herbs: amaranth, barley sprouts, blue cohosh, dong quai, gardenia, horse chestnut, neem and snake gourd root.
Other Recommendations
Men can take 25 mg of zinc daily because this can help restore testosterone levels and increase sperm count. Men can also Take 3,000 mg of L-carnitine daily. This can help normalize sperm, but do not take for longer than four months. Avoid alcohol, caffeine and marijuana, and also avoid soaking in hot tubs. For women, do not have sex every day during ovulation because the accompanying drop in sperm count can be counterproductive. Avoid exercise that is so demanding it interferes with regular menstruation. Avoid douches or vaginal lubricants. Avoid cigarettes and alcohol.