Policystic Ovarian Disease
The one symptom that occurs in every women that has PCOS is irregular or no periods. The other symptoms that some women may or may not have due to PCOS include excess hair growth, acne, obesity and elevated blood pressure. Since all women with PCOS have infrequent or no ovulation, irregular periods are a symptom for all.
Women with PCOS have several small, fluid-filled cysts in their ovaries that may contribute to the lack of ovulation. Hormones are another significant factor; women with PCOS produce large amounts of the male hormone androgen, which also is thought to lead to abnormal insulin production.
There is no conclusive evidence that explains why a woman develops PCOS. Although many women with PCOS also have a mother or sister with the disease, it is not necessarily thought to be hereditary.
Birth control pills can help to regulate women with PCOS, as well as help to reduce the acne and other symptoms associated with PCOS. For women that want to conceive, a drug called clomiphene (Clomid) can be used to induce ovulation. Weight loss can also help to improve fertility for those PCOS patients that are overweight. If ovulation does not occur while on Clomid, other fertility treatments, such as injectables and IVF (in vitro fertilization), are available to women with PCOS.
Women with PCOS have an increased chance of developing diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. It is important to address all of these health risks in addition to the concern of infertility. It is likely that an increased health awareness can improve the symptoms of PCOS and make it more manageable.