HCG Injection Side Effect
Side Effects for Females
HCG Injections promote ovulation, and increase your chances of getting pregnant. Instead of one ova, your ovaries may produce several ovum. This increases your chance of multiple birth and ectopic pregnancy.
Side Effects for Men
Men using HCG injections will likely experience marked enlargement of the breasts and an uncomfortable enlargement of the prostate.This is do to the elevated levels of estrogen caused by the presence of HCG.
Side Effects for Everyone
HCG is injected into the muscle. Unless a brand new sterile needle is used each and every time, the risk for infection such as MERSA is present. Furthermore, sharing needles introduces the possibility of HIV as well as Hepatitis infection.
Other reported side effects include:
Hair loss
Mood ChangesOnly a trained professional can be sure that the injection is going into the muscle as opposed to fatty tissue or veins. Injecting HCG into a vein can cause a painful abscess at the injection site.
Availability and Contamination
HCG is commonly purchased over the internet from online pharmacies. There is no way to be sure where the HCG came from, or if it is HGC at all. The shipping process may contaminate the product, and increase the risk of infection.
Legitimate doctors do prescribe HCG injections to some fertility impaired women with great success. However, there has been no proven correlation between HCG and weight loss or increased muscle mass. The Food and Drug Administration has not approved HCG injections for anything other than fertility treatments, and treatment of delayed onset of male puberty.