Progesterone Deficiency & Ovulation
Progesterone is made by the ovaries and thickens the lining of the uterus to prepare it for pregnancy.
If an egg is not fertilized by a sperm that month, then progesterone levels drop and the lining sheds, causing a menstrual period. If a fertilized egg implants, then progesterone levels rise dramatically to support the pregnancy.
Doctors will check your progesterone levels in the latter half of your cycle, typically on day 21 or sometimes for several days, to determine if you produce enough of it or if you have what is called a luteal phase defect.
Progesterone deficiency, or luteal phase defect, can be helped by taking progesterone supplements such as Prometrium.
Side Effects
Side effects of progesterone supplements include swollen/tender breasts, mood swings and drowsiness.