How to Increase a Low Sperm Count
In order to thrive, sperm need an environment that is slightly cooler than your body temperature (this is why your testicles are located outside of your body). To keep your testicles cooler, wear cotton boxer shorts instead of briefs or synthetic underpants, and if your job requires sitting for long periods, get up and walk around frequently to prevent your testicles from becoming too warm.
Saunas and very hot baths and showers can also overheat your testicles, so avoid saunas and bathe in cooler water when you are trying to conceive.
Bad habits like smoking and drinking to excess lower your sperm count by inhibiting the hormones that produce sperm. Additionally, chemicals in tobacco make seminal fluid toxic to sperm, which decreases their viability. Quit smoking and limit your drinking to one or fewer drinks a day.
Poor nutrition and a high caffeine intake can also have a negative impact on the hormones responsible for sperm production. Limit coffee and other caffeinated beverages, and eat a healthy, balanced diet.
Healthy semen is rich in zinc (an antioxidant), so a zinc deficiency has a negative affect on sperm strength and viability. Ask your doctor if taking zinc supplements is right for you.
Obesity and excess weight affect testosterone and estrogen levels, which in turn affects sperm production. For your sperm count and for your health, lose any extra pounds.
Try to have intercourse in the morning or early afternoon, when sperm levels are the highest.
The less often you ejaculate, the more sperm you will have in each ejaculation. Masturbate less frequently, and try to leave a gap of at least 12 hours between ejaculations, particularly for intercourse during your partner's peak fertile times.