How to Raise Sperm Count
Understand how the body protects sperm. Sperm need to stay at a lower temperature in order to thrive. Sperm that is regularly overheated will die off, causing a low sperm count. When a man’s body gets too hot, the testicles pull away from the body to protect the sperm. Anything that interferes with keeping the sperm at a lower temperature can result in causing a low sperm count.
Refrain from using hot tubs. When a man sits in a hot tub, his body temperature rises. His body has no way to protect the sperm from overheating. If you want to raise your sperm count, avoid hot tubs.
Switch to boxer shorts. Because boxer shorts allow more “breathing room” for the testicles to pull away from the body, wearing boxer shorts enables the body to be more successful in keeping sperm at a lower temperature. Wear boxer shorts instead of briefs to raise sperm count.
Allow time to recover after a fever. One “crop” of sperm lasts about three months. If you have suffered from a high fever within the last three months, then your sperm count might be lower than it was before you ran a high fever. Give yourself time to replenish your sperm supply after a fever.
Try a hormone treatment. Some hormones can assist with raising your sperm count. Talk with a urologist about taking hormones to raise sperm count.
Remove any varicoceles. A varicocele is a varicose vein located in the testicles. A varicocele holds a pocket of blood that can overheat sperm and cause a low sperm count because the body is unable to remove the sperm from the heat of the varicocele. A urologist can remove a varicocele surgically to raise sperm count.