How to Treat Infertility
See a fertility specialist. Your physician can refer you to a specialist who treats people who are having problems conceiving. The specialist will know the most up-to-date assisted reproductive techniques.
Get tested. Infertility problems are attributed equally to men and women so both need to undergo certain tests. The couple should both have a physical and have hormone levels tested. A male will need to have his semen analyzed. A female will need a pelvic ultrasound and a test to determine if the fallopian tubes are blocked may also be ordered.
Change lifestyle factors that affect fertility. Stop smoking. It is believed smoking decreases fertility. Limit alcohol intake while trying to conceive. Women should maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight or underweight can contribute to infertility.
Take medications. After undergoing tests it may be determined that you or your partner have a hormone deficiency. A fertility specialist may want to start treating your infertility with the least invasive option which is medication to stimulate ovulation.
Have surgery. If it is determined your fallopian tubes are blocked surgery may be performed to correct the problem. Other surgical procedures may help treat endometriosis or correct a structural abnormality in either a male or female.
Undergo assisted reproductive techniques (ART). One technique commonly used is in vitro fertilization. The egg and sperm are fertilized outside the body. Embryos are than implanted into the women. Others ART procedures include surgical sperm aspiration and intracytoplasmic sperm injection.
Consider alternative ways to becoming a parent. Treatments for infertility can be expensive and draining on both your body and emotions. Talk with your partner about how long you want to continue pursuing certain treatments. Research options such as adoption, surrogacy and egg and sperm donation.