Repronex Protocol
Drug Type and Purpose
Repronex is comprised of a specific class of hormones, gonadotropins, that are found in the urine of postmenopausal women. These hormones "wake up" a woman's ovaries and cause an egg to be produced. It is prescribed as an injectable drug.
Repronex may be given by a health care provider or self-administered by the patient. It is injected under the skin (subcutaneously) or into a muscle (intramuscularly). If a patient is self-administering Repronex, she must be careful to precisely follow her health care provider's instructions.
A course of Repronex treatment is typically begun on the seventh day of a woman's menstrual cycle and continues until blood tests show that her follicles are mature, meaning ready for ovulation and implantation to occur. When this point is reached, the patient receives a dose of a stronger medicine that causes an egg to be released. The egg is then fertilized and implanted depending on the technique chosen in the patient's specific fertility treatment plan.