How to Test Out an HCG Trigger Shot

HCG is the hormone produced during pregnancy. HCG also helps in the release of eggs from the follicles on the ovaries. An HCG shot may be offered to women who are having problems ovulating and conceiving; they may also be offered ovulation-inducing medication such as Clomid to induce the development of follicles. For about two weeks after the shot, a home pregnancy test will show as positive, because it will test for the HCG hormone. Some women like to test out the shot, to watch the tests get lighter, then negative; or to see it get darker if pregnant.

Things You'll Need

  • Pregnancy tests
  • A camera
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    • 1

      Buy enough home pregnancy tests to test out the whole trigger shot; you will need at least 14. These can be bought at a pharmacy or online. Different brands have varying levels of sensitivity to the HCG hormone.

    • 2

      Test with a home pregnancy test the morning after the trigger shot. Read the instructions before use and wait the required time for the lines to develop. This could take up to 10 minutes.

    • 3

      Take a photograph of your test, so you can remember the darkness of the test line and have something to compare it to over the coming days.

    • 4

      Test again the next day at the same time as before, to ensure an accurate result. First-morning urine generally has the highest levels of HCG, but everyone is different; some people may get better results in the evening. Photograph your test.

    • 5

      Test daily. HCG can remain in your system for 14 days, and the test should become lighter until it becomes negative, which means the HCG has left your system.

    • 6

      If your tests do not show negative after 14 days, or start getting darker instead of lighter, you may be pregnant. Compare your test results in the photographs to look for an increase in darkness.

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