How to Donate Eggs in Illinois
Contact a clinic. Once you have decided to donate your eggs, contact a few different clinics in your area in Illinois. You will want to be located nearby because the process can be intense, with compatibility testing and hormone treatments. Also, be aware that some clinics may offer you a set price up front, but others may let the recipients of your eggs pay you for your time and effort.
Complete a medical history. Illinois clinics will want to know everything they can about you so they can match you with the perfect recipient. An initial history may include your filling out information on your education, work experience, sexual practices, psychological history, social habits (drinking, smoking) and your physical characteristics. Some clinics may be in need of Asian or Caucasian donors, while others may be looking for blacks and Latinos. Women between the ages of 20 and 29, who are nonsmokers with a healthy body mass, are desired.
Get tested. Once you have passed the initial donor screening, Illinois clinics will want you to submit to further medical testing. You will be required to submit to ovarian testing, to be sure you have viable eggs, and you will also have to submit to an extensive physical exam, including tests for sexually transmitted diseases, hepatitis and HIV/AIDS. You must also be tested for genetic diseases, such as cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia and Tay Sachs. If you pass all of these tests, you will be approved to become a donor.