How to Reduce Male Infertility
Evaluate your lifestyle choices because they can unknowingly contribute to your infertility problems. Limit tight clothing or environments that could raise temperature of your testes, which can hinder sperm development. Refrain from using recreational drugs, excessive alcohol consumption and smoking---all factors that can reduce semen quality.
Get tested for infections and diseases that could inhibit your ability to produce quality sperm. Some sexually transmitted diseases such as Chlamydia and Gonorrhea can cause tubular blockage, which prevents sperm from escaping the testes. Ask your doctor to test you for hormonal disorders such as hypothyroidism to determine if hormonal imbalances are the source of your infertility problems. Physicians can treat some infertility problems resulting from underlying hormonal abnormalities with medication or hormone replacement therapy.
Include foods high in vitamin C and zinc in your diet. One gram of Vitamin C per day can protect sperm from oxidative damage, which could cause your sperm to become immotile. Zinc deficiency can cause impotence and a low sperm count. Take Zinc supplements or consume zinc-rich foods such as nuts, eggs and cheese to help improve sperm count and motility.
Speak with a mental health professional about psychological problems that could lead to infertility. Erectile dysfunction (ED), premature ejaculation and ejaculatory incompetence are all psychological conditions that could be the underlying problem of your infertility. If you suffer from either of these disorders, therapy sessions can help you overcome your infertility problems.
Consider herbal treatments to increase sperm count and the quality of your sperm. A study conducted by the "Journal of The American Academy of Family Physicians" shows that men who consume four grams of Asian ginseng per day experienced increased sperm count and motility. A similar study based on a small group of infertile men showed that consuming 1500 to 3000 milligrams of Maca everyday for four months increased male sperm count and quality.