How to Keep Sperm Safe and Repair Damaged Sperm
Many people believe that only women need to protect their reproductive health, but men also need to safeguard their health to insure the production of healthy, active sperm. If you are trying to increase your sperm count--there are lifestyle methods you can utilize. Use these easy tips to repair and protect your fertility. Your overall health is important in maintaining or improving the health of your sperm.Instructions
Avoid heat. Men should avoid placing direct heat on their genitals. Heat can instantly damage sperm and decrease overall sperm count. If you are ever kicked in your private region never use hot water compresses to soothe the area. You can damage sperm and decrease your fertility. Use cold compresses instead. Men actively working towards making a baby should limit and avoid hot baths.
Avoid alcohol and drugs. Researchers have discovered that men who drink alcohol and partake in recreational drugs have lower sperm counts than men who abstain. If you are aiming to improve your sperm count, limit alcoholic beverages to no more than one per day.
Avoid wearing tight clothing. Tight clothing can result in low sperm production because tight fabrics restrict the testicles. Instead, wear loose fitting clothing and underwear that allows your male parts to breathe.
Eat healthfully. If you are vitamin or mineral deficient, the health of your sperm could be compromised. Eat whole grains, protein, fresh fruit and veggies and get at least 30 minutes of moderate cardiovascular exercise each day to maintain overall good health. Drink lots of water, as your sperm and semen health are dependent upon it.
Have lots of sex. The practice of sex is great for the health of your sperm. If your sperm is damaged, have sex for 7 days to promote healthier sperm. Your body will cycle through the damaged and produce healthier, more active sperm swimmers.