How to Naturally Treat Blocked Fallopian Tubes

Fallopian tubes, named after the 16th-century Italian anatomist, Gabriele Falloppio, is a part of the reproductive system of all female mammals, including humans. The Fallopian tubes are responsible for transferring eggs from the ovaries into the uterus, where it can be fertilized by a sperm cell. Should the Fallopian tubes become blocked, however, the egg cannot transfer into the uterus and therefore cannot be fertilized. This is one of the most common forms of infertility. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to treat blocked Fallopian tubes naturally.


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      Use an anti-inflammatory or antiseptic douche. Often, Fallopian tubes become naturally blocked by an infection or lesion in the region. Injuries like this are usually harmless and self-correcting, but they can nonetheless swell and block the Fallopian tubes. Using an antiseptic oil on the abdomen can relieve swelling and mend any infections that are closing the Fallopian tubes. Taking antibiotics or supplementing your diet with minerals like zinc and magnesium can improve your immune system and therefore help reduce swelling and infection of the Fallopian tubes.

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      Try a Castor oil therapy regime. Castor oil is very effective for handling naturally many infertility problems in women such as blocked fallopian tubes, PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cysts, and painful and irregular menstrual cycles. Castor oil comes in packs of cloths soaked in the oil itself. This cloth is placed on the woman's abdomen skin, and heat is applied on top of it in the form of a heating pad or hot water bottle. This promotes good circulation and tissue healing inside the body.

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      Begin a physical therapy cycle. Sometimes an infection or lesion in the Fallopian tubes can be so severe that professional intervention may be necessary. While seeking a massage therapist's or a physiotherapist's help may be ideal, it is not always possible. Still, there is a technique used by massage therapists used called the Wurn Technique. This technique involves massaging and applying gentle pressure above the uterus and around the ovaries. Having a partner massage this area once a day for an hour over a two-week period should help open the Fallopian tubes. Several medical journals, including Medscape General Medicine, have found this technique to be effective at opening blocked Fallopian tubes.

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