Alternative Cures for Ulcerative Colitis
Warning: Always consult with your physician if you are uncertain about trying any of the specific UC treatments below.
Stress is considered by many doctors and patients to be a leading cause of UC inflammation. While there is no direct "cause" of the disease, stress is known to cause many complications. While medicine, pills and supplements work for some, emotional healing of the body is actually more important in an alternative cure that can lead to remission.
Yoga and meditation are two excellent sources for finding emotional stability in the physical form. Both promote mental stability and coping mechanisms for stress. There have been more positive results in patients who practice yoga than any other alternative cure. You can attend a class, purchase a book or rent a DVD that can teach basic techniques to train your body's zen capabilities.
Probiotics and Prebiotics
Probiotics and prebiotics are a new movement in alternative treatment for ulcerative colitis. These items can be found in many different foods or supplements. Probiotics and prebiotics provide what is called "good bacteria" that supports positive digestive health.
Prebiotic is an all-natural material found in vegetable--like artichokes--that can help the good bacteria in your colon.
Probiotics can be found in more and more foods each day. You can walk into the grocery store and see many different yogurts with the word "probiotic" on the label. This is because many people (other than those with UC) suffer from some type of stomach problem (such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease). You can also find specific colon health probiotic capsules in almost every pharmacy.
Aloe Vera
If you scour message boards and alternative forums, the usage of aloe vera has started popping up. Aloe vera has been used as an external healing agent for centuries, and only recently have internal capsules been developed. One item to note about aloe vera usage is the amount that you will take. Aloe vera will act as a laxative for many individuals if overused, so please use caution before testing aloe vera intake.
Change Your Diet
The book "The Makers Diet" has been a boon to many individuals who thought their UC treatment had reached a dead end. The book suggests many unique foods and supplements, some of which are difficult to find and may become costly. However, if you are spending hundreds or thousands of dollars a year on medications, a few extra dollars on food and nutritional supplements may be worth trying out if the testimonials prove to be helpful. This is a widely available book.
Omega-3 Oils: Fish Oil/Flax Seed Oil
Research shows that intake of Omega-3 oil pills (fish oil or flax seed oil) have proven beneficial to many with inflammatory bowel disease. The pills have an anti-inflammatory affect on the body and also have been known to help restore intestinal wall damage. Fish oil is quickly becoming a popular alternative cure for ulcerative colitis.
Acupuncture has been shown to provide benefit to UC patients both mentally and physically. Combining ancient sciences with wellness mentality, the precision insertion of needles into specific pressure points can trigger the body to release natural remedies.
Always remember to check with your doctor for any questionable alternative therapies. Also refer to the resources below for additional insights into alternative therapies.