How long does it take to clear bowels for a colonoscopy?

It usually takes two to three days to cleanse your bowels in preparation for a colonoscopy. You will be given specific instructions on how to clear your bowels before your procedure. These instructions will likely include:

- A liquid diet: You will need to follow a liquid diet for 24 to 48 hours before your colonoscopy. This means that you can only drink clear liquids, such as water, broth, and gelatin.

- No solid food: You must avoid eating solid foods during the bowel cleansing process. This is important because solid foods can leave residue in your bowels, making it more difficult for the doctor to see during the colonoscopy.

- Laxatives: You will likely be given laxatives to help you clear your bowels. These laxatives may come in the form of pills, liquids, or suppositories.

- Enemas: You may also be asked to perform enemas to help you clear your bowels. An enema is a procedure in which fluid is inserted into your rectum to help you have a bowel movement.

It is important to follow your doctor's instructions carefully when clearing your bowels for a colonoscopy. By doing so, you can help to ensure that your procedure is successful.

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