How to Diet for Colitis
The confusing thing about a diet for colitis is that it can change from time to time according to flare ups. However, if you keep a diary of all you eat, so that you can track your triggers you can avoid colitis attacks altogether. This is the way to go, because attacks can be severe enough to put your life in danger.
Colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease that can be hard to live with if you do not adhere to the right diet and lifestyle. A colitis attack consists of abdominal pain, cramping, diarrhea, blood and pus in stool, fever, and dehydration. Colitis ignored can lead to more serious health conditions such as colon cancer.
As you can see this disease isn't to be toyed with or ignored. That is, unless you don't place much value on your life. For now, let's name a few common triggers of colitis flare ups. Some of the worst are popcorn, spicy food, fried food, nuts, sugar, dairy, wheat and acidic fruits.
A diet for colitis when you're in remission would consist of fruits like apples, pears, bananas and papaya (no skins). Certain dairy products like yogurt, mild cheeses and buttermilk. Rice and steamed vegetables are good, however, avoid raw veggies. Eat lean meats and fish(no skins)and no high fatty foods as well as no stimulants like alcohol or caffeine.
There is no standard diet for colitis it really is different in each person this is why a food journal is vital. Also, you need to change how you eat and eat several small meals a day instead of three larger ones as well as healthy snacks in between. Patience is needed as it will be trial and error at first.
However, along with the diet there are other things you can do to help ease symptoms of colitis like stress reduction and exercise. This is because the body needs to stay as healthy as possible, since colitis sufferers typically have abnormal immune systems and their health can worsen quickly.
A diet for colitis can be complicated and requires close monitoring to be healthy and symptom free. When you combine a healthy lifestyle of diet, exercise, proper rest and relaxation then you will make progress.
Many people need medication to control symptoms of colitis at least for a while. However, it's much healthier to control it with a good healthy diet and lifestyle as mentioned above. The only complete cure for colitis is surgery, but you can manage it successfully and keep it in remission.