What Are the Homeopathic Treatments for Crohns Disease?
Belladonna is derived from the nightshade plant. It is used to treat several common symptoms of Crohn's Disease, and would be a good choice for someone who has most of these symptoms: swollen eyelids; shooting pain along limbs; swollen, red joints; rheumatic pains; involuntary limping; cold extremities.
Cuprum Metallicum
Cuprum Metallicum is derived from copper. It treats: strong metallic, slimy taste in the mouth with a flow of saliva; abdominal pain behind lower ribs; stomach gurgling; watery stools; lethargy or extreme tiredness.
Kreosotum is derived from a distillation of wood tar. It treats: red and swollen eyelids; bad breath; inflammation of the gums; painful, hard spots in the abdomen; bitter taste after swallowing water; distended abdomen; burning hemorrhoids; diarrhea; bloody, fetid stools.
Kali Bromatum
Kali Bromatum is derived from potassium bromide. It treats: vomiting with intense thirst, especially after each meal; persistent hiccough; extreme bowel discomfort; diarrhea with blood; green, watery stools; and retraction of abdomen.
Causticum is a potassium compound. It treats: anal fistulae; rectal abscesses; abdominal pain and cramping; painful bloating; chafed feeling in the rectum skin and lining; rectum pressure; constipation; rectum pain and soreness while walking and/or sitting; hemorrhoids; flatulence.
Sulphur, a natural chemical element, is used to treat: bloody stools; anal fissures; ulcers in the intestine; hemorrhoids; eyelid inflammation; itching and burning of anus; diarrhea; cutting pain during stool passage; sharp rectum pain; stiffness of knees and ankles; bloody streaks in stool; inflammation in joints; synovitis.
If you are taking a prescription medication for Crohn's or any other condition, consult your physician before taking a homeopathic remedy to make sure that it won't adversely interact with your other medications.Also, many homeopathic medicines are derived from poisonous plants or herbs, which should be fine taken in the extremely diluted quantities in doses sold as treatments. However, over dosages or personal sensitivities to certain ingredients could cause serious side effects.