Diet Treatments for Colitis
The role diet plays in colitis is still contested, but anecdotal evidence suggests that what a person with colitis eats can help reduce symptoms or even make them disappear altogether. This article examines some of the diets in use at present.-
Low-Residue Diet
Also known as a low-fiber diet, the low-residue diet omits foods that might be abrasive as they travel through the digestive system. Abrasive foods include uncooked fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and corn products that retain the hull, like popcorn.
Elimination Diet
This kind of diet can shed light on the foods that cause problems. An elimination diet starts with the person eating a small number of foods for 5 to 10 days, then adding foods in, one at a time, all the while keeping track of the foods eaten and any symptoms observed. A link at the end of this article gives further details.
Whether you try an elimination diet or not, tracking what you eat and your symptoms provides valuable information.
Specific Carbohydrate Diet
Many people have had success with the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. This diet, outlined in "Breaking the Vicious Cycle" by Elaine Gottschall, is based on the idea that people with colitis or other digestive diseases have difficulty digesting complex carbohydrates. The presence of the undigested material leads to inflammation and bacterial overgrowth. By following a diet that avoids starches and most sweeteners and uses probiotics (in the form of homemade yogurt or as pills), the system may be restored to normal functioning.
Vegan Diet
Some people have found relief by following a vegan diet, especially as outlined in "Self Healing Colitis & Crohn's," by David Klein.
Use Common Sense
Finally, common sense suggests avoiding foods known to be troublesome. These vary from person to person, but may include caffeinated beverages, dairy products, or wheat, to name just a few. The final link in Resources below leads to a book many people have found helpful.
Be sure to eat a well-balanced diet. You may need to take a supplement to get all the nutrients your body needs.
If you are experiencing diarrhea, drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.
Changing one's diet isn't easy, especially when the diet cuts out foods that have been staples. If you have colitis, you need to decide whether you are willing to do what is necessary to obtain relief.
For many people, diet alone is not sufficient to deal with colitis, especially when symptoms are severe. Do not discontinue medical treatment without consulting your doctor. Over time, you may be able to reduce or eliminate the need for medication, but this should be done with supervision.