Colon Inflammation Treatment
Ulcerative colitis can be difficult to diagnose due to its symptoms closely resembling another IBD, Crohn's disease. The most accurate way to distinguish between the two is to undergo a colonoscopy. Although the symptoms may be closely related, it is vital to recognize them so you can be properly diagnosed and treated. The longer a person suffers from this condition, the greater their chance for developing colon cancer in the future.
Aminosalicylates (5-ASA)
These are drugs that help control the inflammation of the colon and are prescribed for people who suffer from mild to moderate ulcerative colitis. It can be taken orally, or given in the form of an enema or suppository. The form of the medication depends on the location of the inflammation.
This treatment includes drugs such as prednisone, hydrocortisone and methylprednisone. These help reduce inflammation as well and are prescribed for those who suffer from moderate to severe ulcerative colitis. They are also used for those who do not respond to treatment with the 5-ASAs. The means of administration include orally, intravenously, using an enema or giving the patient a suppository. Again, the method used depends on the location of the inflammation.
These drugs are also prescribed to reduce the inflammation of the colon, however, they do so by working on the patient's immune system. These are used for those who do not respond to 5-ASAs or corticosteroids, or those who have developed a dependency on corticosteroids. The means of administration is oral, however, the medication is slow acting and may take up to six months before the full benefits are noticed.
For those who suffer from severe bleeding or diarrhea and are becoming dehydrated, the doctor may admit them into the hospital until these symptoms stop. He will generally order a special diet for them and feed them fluids through an IV, along with medications. Surgery may also be necessary.
Between 25 and 40 percent of people who suffer from an inflamed colon will require surgery at some point to treat the disease. This option is utilized in cases when the patient experiences massive bleeding, a ruptured colon or has a risk of developing colon cancer. During the surgery, the doctor will remove both the colon and the rectum. After this is complete, the doctor will then create a stoma for bowel waste to be released through. This is done by making an opening in the abdomen and attaching it to the small intestine. A bag called a colostomy bag is then placed over the stoma to collect the waste excreted through the stoma.