How to Treat IBS With Diet
Things You'll Need
- Notepad
- Bathroom scale
- Food scale
- Measuring cups
Avoid Known Trigger Foods and Beverages
Avoid caffeine, alcohol and dairy. For some people, non-fat dairy is a safe choice.
Choose lean cuts of meat and skip the fries. Foods containing lots of fat---fried foods, bakery items and fatty cuts of meat---can trigger an episode.
Avoid sugarless gum and candies, and choose water over diet soda. Artificial sweeteners can trigger an IBS attack. Look for sorbitol or xylitol; they are often the culprits.
Stay away from foods that cause gas. Gassy, sulfur-rich foods, such as cabbage and onions, may bring gastrointestinal upset. If foods such as bananas, dried fruit and cucumbers give you gas, eat them in moderation. Mashed or pureed beans are less gassy than whole beans.
Consume high-fiber foods in small amounts to moderate their gas-producing side effects. High-fiber foods can cause gas, but they are an important part of a healthy diet.
Keep Notes
Keep a food diary. A small, pocket-sized notepad works well. Record what you've eaten---every meal, every time.
Record the time of day and the quantity you've eaten. Be as specific as possible; use a food scale or measuring cup when practical. Include any beverages.
Make a note of the brand of food you're eating. Some brands of the same food have different additives that may cause gastrointestinal distress.
Monitor your condition for approximately 1 hour after eating. Make notes about the effect each food has on your system.
Look for patterns. As your food diary expands, you'll begin to see which foods cause problems.
Eating Tips
Eat slowly and consciously. Put your fork down between bites.
Do not eat within 2 hours of bedtime.
As often as possible, eat at the same time every day. Keep meals small and light.
Don't drink or talk excessively while you're eating. You'll swallow more air, causing gas.