Colostrum Crohn's Disease
Colostrum Purpose
All mammals produce colostrum for a short time after giving birth. The substance is rich in a protein that promotes the immune system, fights bacteria, and includes growth factors to ensure the health of offspring.
Reducing Diarrhea
According to physician and nutrition expert Ray Sahelian's website, bovine colostrum supplements reduce the risk of diarrhea in immune-suppressed children.
Reducing Gastric Injury from NSAIDs
A study published in an issue of the medical journal "Gut" from 1999 showed that rats fed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as those used to treat arthritis, had 60 percent reduced gastric injury from these medications when also being fed bovine colostrum. The researchers concluded that bovine colostrum may be beneficial for treating other bowel conditions as well.
Treating IBD
A study published in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" in 2000 showed that bovine colostrum supplementation may benefit young children with chronic gastrointestinal disorders. They cite additional studies indicating that peptides in colostrum may be useful for treating inflammatory bowel conditions such as Crohn's disease and other disorders.
Improvement in Various Disorders
Medical anthropologist John Heinerman has stated that patients with various forms of gastrointestinal disorders, including Crohn's disease, "unquestionably" show improvement when taking bovine colostrum supplements.