Common Diets for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Avoiding foods that will acerbate IBS, such as fatty foods, will go a long way in providing relief.
Low Fat, High Protein Diet
People with IBS often prefer to limit themselves to a diet that is high on protein and low in fat. High protein foods include chicken, beans, eggs, beef, and various nuts such as almonds and peanuts.
Dairy-Free Diet
Irritable bowel syndrome may have some of the same symptoms as lactose intolerance. People with IBS might find relief by removing all dairy products from their diets.
High Fiber Diet
A high fiber diet may help relieve IBS symptoms. High fiber foods include whole grain breads, whole wheat pasta, dried fruits (such as dates and apricots) and green vegetables (like broccoli and spinach).
The Small Meals Diet
Eating several small meals throughout the day instead of three large meals can help alleviate Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
The Anti High-Gas Foods Diet
If you suffer from bloating and gas, eliminating high-gas foods such as cabbage, soda beverages, cauliflower and salads may help alleviate symptoms.
Gluten-Free Diet
A gluten-free diet will not be easy to stick with. It eliminates anything containing wheat, rye or barley. Some foods to check before eating are processed meats, soups and chips.