What is Colitis?
Colitis affects the interior of the colon. It can also cause joint pain very similar to arthritis. Knuckles on the hands may be swollen. There can be inflammation that causes pain in the eyes. One colitis patient has described this as "like sticks poked into my eyes." A person with colitis has the need to adjust their diet according to what causes pain and the need to frequent the bathroom.
Colitis sufferers not only deal with moderate to severe symptoms they live with being misunderstood and misdiagnosis. At times the medical world will listen to symptoms and perform tests that do not uncover the diagnosis of colitis or Crohn's disease.
A patient may be determined to have hemorrhoid, nerve or mental problems. They may be prescribed medication for panic attacks or refer the patient to a counselor. The testing has not gone in depth and the inflammatory disease goes undiagnosed and grows worse. Even when a patient has been diagnosed with colitis there can be a sense of misunderstanding on the part of some medical personnel, family and friends simply because they do not understand what the individual is going through. Each patient is different and may have diverse symptoms. The patient must listen to his or her own body and learn as much as possible about the disease.
Colitis is a disease of the intestine. The patient has cramping, fever, abdominal pain, joint pain and frequent bowel movements. Blood often appears in the stools as well as a mucous like substance. Ulcerative colitis is chronic. The colon is inflamed and has ulcerations or open sores on the surface of the innermost lining. The ulcers bleed and ooze pus and mucous. The disease creates an abnormal immune system. The immune system of a colitis patient mistakes all materials including food in the colon as an invasion that must be attacked. The body sends out white blood cells to fight the invasion. The white blood cells cause the inflammation. This results in the ulcers.
Colitis is diagnosed by medical tests. A colonoscopy is the most thorough and intense test that is done to diagnose colitis. A patient must prepare at home for the test by emptying the digestive tract completely. The doctors office gives an information sheet on how this is to be done. This is actually the hardest part of the process. The test itself is done at the hospital, under anesthesia. The colon is opened by pumping air into it. The gastroenterologist inserts a scope which has a camera mechanism that shows a view of the entire intestinal system. The doctor is able to view the walls of the intestine and take samples of tissue for further lab testing. If polyps are found during the procedure they are removed for the patient's benefit. The doctor will also order blood work to be done to find if the patient is anemic.
As a colitis patient you must follow orders for medications. There are several medications that are beneficial for a patients relief of symptoms. A patient may have to be tested with more than one medication until the appr0priate one is found. When you are in remission it is crucial to continue to take all medications as ordered or you could bring on a potentially devastating flare-up. Your family and friends may have good intentions when urging you to eat but you know what will cause you pain and frequent trips to the bathroom. Eat what you can tolerate to stay as healthy as possible. Colitis or chronic ulcerative colitis can be a life threatening medical condition. it is important to stay aware of the symptoms, flare-ups and general health of the patient. There is no known proven origin of colitis and there is no cure. Colitis and Crohn's disease has been diagnosed in families.
It is crucial to have a doctor, preferably a gastroenterologist that you feel comfortable with. The entire staff at the gastroenterologist office will help you during the years that you endure the disease. A good doctor makes a huge difference in a patients life and well being. A sense of humor is certainly an asset when dealing with a chronic condition. It is therapeutic to have access to others who share your experience. A chronic ulcerative colitis and Crohn's patient will be understanding of your symptoms as no other person can be.