About Female Rectal Bleeding
Female rectal bleeding can result from an anal fissure, hard or constipated bowel movements, a bleeding ulcer, colon problems, or gastrointestinal problems. It is important to visit a doctor to determine the cause of rectal bleeding so that proper steps can be taken toward treating the problem.
Mild rectal bleeding may result from a bowel movement, especially if the bowel movement was diarrhea or a constipated movement. Other moderate to more severe conditions that may result in rectal bleeding include hemorrhoids, anal fissures, colitis, colon cancer, polyps, Crohn's disease or another type of inflammatory bowel disease. Childbirth can also result in rectal bleeding if the perineum is torn during the birthing process.
Most cases of rectal bleeding are noticed when taking a bowel movement or cleaning yourself after a bowel movement. There may be blood in the toilet or blood on the tissue. The amount of blood can give you an idea on when and how soon to seek medical attention. If you consistently see blood in your stool, you should see a doctor to be evaluated. Also, if you notice that you are losing a large quantity of blood in your stool or if anal bleeding occurs when you are not passing any stool, seek medical attention immediately.
Go over the treatment options for your rectal bleeding with your doctor. In some cases, surgery may be needed to remove hemorrhoids or polyps or to repair anal fissures. If you have a disease such as Crohn's disease or colon cancer, your doctor will discuss both short- and long-term treatment plans in detail with you. Other causes of rectal bleeding may require a change in diet or medication. Go over all of your options with your health-care provider and choose the treatment option you feel is best.
Some cases of rectal bleeding can be prevented by changing your diet to include enough fiber and plenty of water to keep the texture and frequency of your bowel movements normal. Solutions to rectal bleeding first require identifying the cause of it so that you can get the required medical attention and treatment.