How to Manage Bacterial Gastroenteritis
Get plenty of rest. It may be tough to lay in bed all day when you have bacterial gastroenteritis because two of the symptoms are vomiting and diarrhea, but do the best that you can. Don’t attempt to carry out your normal daily routine. Find a comfortable place where you can rest, preferably in a room that is very close to a bathroom. Resting allows your body to manage the condition and self heal.
Drink lots of clear fluids. The constant diarrhea and vomiting as a result of bacterial gastroenteritis dehydrates you. You’ve got to do the best you can to manage the condition and replenish the lost liquids and re-hydrate your body. Dehydration is dangerous and, if allowed to go unchecked, can have grave results.
Avoid over the counter medications unless they are absolutely necessary. Many people suffering with bacterial gastroenteritis run to the drug store to buy over the counter anti-diarrhea medication to help manage their symptoms. Although these medications may offer temporary relief, sometimes they exacerbate and prolong the duration of the condition. If you are out of town at a business meeting when hit with bacterial gastroenteritis, you might not have any other options than to buy over the counter medication. However, if you are in the comfort of your own home, try to ride it out.
Adopt the BRAT (bananas, rice, applesauce and toast) diet for a few days. The bland BRAT diet is a great way to manage the symptoms of diarrhea.
Consume probiotics. Probiotics, found in yogurt and green drink products such as Green Vibrance and Barley Green, re-balances the intestinal flora and puts an end to the unwanted symptoms of diarrhea.