How to Cure External Piles

External piles, or hemorrhoids, are caused by the swelling of the tissue around the anal and rectal areas. External piles can be hereditary or can be caused by the pressure exerted on the lower region of the body during pregnancy, from straining too hard when having a bowel movement or a bad case of diarrhea. One sign that you may have external piles is the presence of bright red blood in your stool. External piles are painful and itchy. Rarely dangerous, they can be dealt with easily so there is no need to put up with the discomfort.

Things You'll Need

  • Ice pack
  • Hemorrhoid medication
  • Acetaminophen
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      Take a warm shower or sitz bath. Do this two to three times a day for 10 minutes at a time for as long as the piles are there.

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      Fill an ice pack with ice and apply it to the area where the pain is. The cold will reduce the swelling.

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      Use a hemorrhoid medication, following the instructions for application on the package.

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      Wear cotton underpants and other clothing that is loose and non-irritating.

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      Eat light meals with fiber such as salads, bran and whole grains. Drink at least eight glasses of water, herbal tea or juice a day until the piles go away. You want to try to have soft bowel movements so taking a stool softener will help.

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      Take acetaminophen for discomfort but do not take anything with codeine or other medications that can cause constipation.

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      Prevent the condition from happening again by eating a diet that is rich in fiber, fruits, complex carbohydrates and high in low-fat protein. Always remain hydrated.

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