List of Cures for Hemorhoids
OTC Medication
Several over-the-counter (OTC) medications provide relief from hemorrhoids. According to the Hemroids Help website, OTC medications like astringents, protectants, vasoconstrictors, local anesthetics, keratolytics and anti-pruritics treat hemorrhoids. Astringents like calamine, witch hazel and zinc oxide reduce inflammation, burning and itching. Protectants including aluminum hydroxide, glycerin, cocoa butter, mineral oil, kaolin and petrolatum protect the rectal skin from moisture loss; vasoconstrictors reduce inflammation by constricting the blood vessels, but are not recommended for people with heart and blood pressure problems. Anesthetics like benzocaine, benzyl alcohol, dibucaine and lidocaine are applied on external hemorrhoids only. Keratolytics like alcloxa and resorcinol, and anti-pruritics like menthol, juniper tar and camphor also relieve pain, burning and itching.
Maintaining healthy lifestyle habits can go a long way towards controlling hemorrhoids. Always clean the anal area gently after a bowel movement with a mild soap. Ensure that this area is kept dry, dust it with talcum powder or use a soft pad tissue to absorb moisture.
Sitz Baths
The Jackson Siegelbaum website recommends a sitz bath--sitting in a warm bath for around 10 to 20 minutes daily promotes healing by delivering heat to the area, and provides relief from the pain and discomfort wrought by hemorrhoids. Care must be taken to bathe in clean water that is devoid of additives like bath salts and solutions.
Dietary control plays an important role in treating and preventing hemorrhoids. A fiber-rich diet comprising whole grains, vegetables, fruits and plenty of fluids, improves bowel movements by retaining water in the stool. This reduces the likelihood of experiencing hard bowel movements, which can lead to hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids that do not respond to self-care methods must be treated surgically. There are a variety of surgical procedures to treat internal hemorrhoids, including rubber band ligation, injection sclerotherapy, infrared photocoagulation, laser coagulation and hemorrhoidectomy. Surgical interventions for external hemorrhoids include infrared photocoagulation, laser coagulation and hemorrhoidectomy.