Age for Crohn's Disease
Typical Age of Onset
This condition tends to develop in younger people. The typical age of diagnosis falls between 20 and 30, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Teens and Children
Although most people are diagnosed in early adulthood, those under 20 account for 30 percent of people with this condition.
Age of Diagnosis and Disease Characteristics
The National Institutes of Health conducted research to determine the differences in disease between those diagnosed before age 20 and those diagnosed after 40. Findings indicate those diagnosed before age 20 had a greater incidence of family history, more involvement of the small bowel, more scar tissue, and a higher rate of surgery. Those over 40 had more inflammation and problems with their colon (large intestine).
Early Diagnosis and Development
If you are diagnosed before age 20, this condition can affect growth, delay puberty, and cause weak bones.
Family History
The National Institutes of Health research into family connections indicates that although many parents with Crohn's disease were diagnosed later in life than their children, siblings are often diagnosed at the same age.