Blood Test for Crohn's Disease
Considerations about Blood Tests
Blood tests can provide information that is helpful in diagnosing Crohn’s disease, though they do not necessarily indicate the condition is present. Further testing is required.
Checking for Antibodies
People with IBD have certain antibodies (proteins that attack harmful substances) in their blood. Blood tests can determine whether they're present and what type of IBD they have. While these antibodies can help diagnose Crohn’s disease, not everyone who has IBD has them in their blood.
Many people with Crohn’s disease develop anemia due to bleeding in the intestines. Your doctor will perform a blood test checking your red blood cell count.
Infection and Inflammation
Blood tests that reveal a high white blood cell count point to inflammation and infection somewhere in the body. This can indicate Crohn’s disease.
Other Tests
Besides blood tests, your doctor will need to examine your colon and small intestines and check your stool for blood. You might require a barium enema, imaging tests and/or a colonoscopy among other things to check out your intestinal tract.