Untreated Crohn's Disease

Crohn's disease may be hereditary as it seems to "run in families," according to Medline Plus. It is most often diagnosed in young adults, but can occur at any age.
  1. Crohn's Disease

    • This disease is in the category of inflammatory bowel diseases, which causes inflammation of your digestive tract. The entire digestive tract "from the mouth to the anus" can be affected, according to The Mt. Sinai Medical Center.


    • Diarrhea, abdominal cramps, rectal bleeding, anemia, fatigue, weakness and weight loss are some of the symptoms of Crohn's' disease.

    Crohn's and Your Intestines

    • If Crohn's disease is left untreated it can cause problems for your intestines. One such problem with untreated Crohn's is obstruction of your intestines.

    Crohn's and Your Bones

    • Crohn's, left untreated, can cause arthritis. Osteoporosis can also be the result of untreated Crohn's disease.

    Crohn's and Other Organs

    • When Crohn's disease is not treated it can also attack your organs. Liver disease, gallstones, kidney stones, skin rashes and inflammation of your eyes can result.

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