Recurrence of Crohn's Disease
Crohn's disease is named after Dr. Burrill B. Crohn, who described the disease in a paper he wrote in 1932. The disease was previously described by others prior to Crohn.
Recurrence of Crohn's disease can happen after remission periods of various lengths. Some with Crohn's disease will experience recurrence after a few weeks, and some don't see the symptoms return for months or years.
There is no known cure for the recurrence of Crohn's disease. The disease can be kept in remission and controlled by eating bland foods and reducing stress.
Those who develop Crohn's disease at a young age are generally more likely to experience recurrences. Smoking, particularly when done frequently, is also a catalyst for Crohn's disease recurrences.
Crohn's disease and its recurrences have no known cause, but the disease is thought to be linked to a faulty immune system, genetic factors, and dietary factors.