Elemental Diet Treatment for Crohn's
Crohn's disease can be brought into remission through a number of ways, including medication or special diets. Studies published in the British Medical Journal show an elemental diet to be especially effective for those who suffer from Crohn's disease.
What is an Elemental Diet?
An elemental diet is a special liquid diet that consists of concentrated nutrients. Most brands of the elemental diet come in packets, which you mix with water to create your meals. The amount of water you'll need varies with each brand, so check the packaging before you mix it. The consistency should be similar to baby formula after it's mixed.
The elemental diet can either be swallowed or fed through a feeding tube or IV, which may be necessary for patients who are incredibly weak or otherwise unable to feed themselves. The reason elemental diets work so well for Crohn's patients is because it gives the intestines a chance to rest and heal without the extra work of trying to process and absorb food all the time.
Adjusting to an Elemental Diet
An elemental diet is probably one of the most difficult diets to adjust to. The first step is changing the way you think about food. Instead of using food as a major part of your social events or indulging in comfort food when you need a pick-me-up, remember that food is just nutrition. There's no need for it to play a bigger role in your life. Instead of food-centered social gatherings, choose other fun things like board games or playing sports together. All you need is a little change in the way you and your family plan.
At first you may feel like you're missing out on an important cultural event by not enjoying food with your friends and family, but remember how tired you felt when you weren't getting the proper nutrition because of your Crohn's? If an elemental diet is the only way to get your energy back, then just keep reminding yourself that the reward of living a full life is worth the sacrifice of living on an elemental diet.