Why would a narcissist let her husband make fun of and belittle in public all she can say is that he only jokeing?
1. Lack of self-esteem: Narcissists often have low self-esteem, despite their grandiose self-image. They may tolerate being belittled by their partner because they lack the self-confidence to stand up for themselves.
2. Fear of abandonment: Narcissists may be afraid of being abandoned by their partner, so they may avoid confronting them about their hurtful behavior. They may rationalize the belittling as a sign that their partner is still interested in them, even if it comes at the expense of their self-respect.
3. Need for attention: Some narcissists may crave attention, even if it's negative attention. They may feel that being laughed at or belittled is better than being ignored.
4. Power dynamics: In some relationships, the narcissist may have more power and control over their partner. They may use belittling as a way to maintain power and control, while the partner feels powerless to stop it.
5. Denial: Narcissists may simply deny that their partner's behavior is hurtful or belittling. They may convince themselves that their partner is joking, even when it's clear that they're not.
It's important to note that staying in a relationship with a partner who belittles and makes fun of you can have negative consequences for your emotional health and well-being. If you're in a relationship like this, it's important to seek support and consider whether the relationship is healthy for you.