If you have a DNC done can it cause upper stomach pains?
Causes of potential upper abdominal pain after D&C:
- Cramps: Mild cramps or discomfort in the lower abdomen are common after a D&C, but it is rare for this discomfort to extend to the upper abdomen.
- Cervical Irritation: The cervix is the opening to the uterus located at the top of the vagina. During the D&C procedure, there may be some manipulation of the cervix. In rare cases, this manipulation can lead to irritation or discomfort that could radiate to the upper abdomen.
- Infection: Although uncommon, an infection can occur after the procedure. If an infection develops, it may cause abdominal discomfort, fever, and other symptoms.
- Pre-existing Conditions: If you have any pre-existing conditions affecting the digestive system, such as acid reflux or irritable bowel syndrome, these conditions may be aggravated by the procedure and cause upper abdominal pain.
It's essential to discuss any concerns or symptoms with your healthcare provider. If you're experiencing upper abdominal pain after a D&C, your healthcare provider can assess your symptoms, determine the potential cause, and recommend appropriate treatments or further evaluation if necessary.