Herbs to Cure IBS Naturally
Herbal Teas
Herbal teas work wonders for digestive problems associated with IBS. Drink chamomile and peppermint at times when IBS symptoms are triggered by stress or tension. Keep the teapot and cup of tea covered so as not to let tea vapors escape. Take in the volatile oils of the tea in order to have the best effect. Drink pure chamomile for best results.
Steep 1 tbsp. of the herb marshmallow with one cup of boiling water for 40 minutes to help IBS digestive problems. Drink one cup each day.
Slippery elm is an herb that can go into a beverage or food. Put this powdered substance into oatmeal or vegetable melody. Add slippery elm to black tea or fruit smoothies. Slippery elm calms irritated mucous membranes and aids digestive problems linked to IBS.
Flaxseed Oil, Ginger and Psyillium
Flaxseed oil is high in omega-3 fatty acid. This fatty acid is called EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and helps as an anti-inflammatory. Take 2 tbsp. of flaxseed oil each day. Take oil straight or add it to a breakfast cereal or shake. Also use flaxseed oil as a dressing for salad.
Take ginger for overall digestive health. Ginger is available in pill form. Take according to directions.
Psyllium is a high source of fiber and aids IBS when it comes to diarrhea and constipation. Take psyllium in powder form as directed.
Other Herbal Cures
Fennel is a tasty herb to help with symptoms of IBS. Try fennel to tame upset stomach and help digestion when dealing with IBS. Fennel is safe for infants with upset stomach.
Alfalfa not only helps with constipation, it also assists in cleaning the colon. Take alfalfa to minimize gas in the colon and stomach.
Garlic rids the body of gas and cleanses the colon of mucus and other parasites. An added plus is the ability of garlic to fight infection. Take garlic in pill form to fight symptoms of IBS.
Try passion flower to calm nerves and muscles in the bowel.