How to Heal an Anal Fissure
Things You'll Need
- Bathtub
- Foods high in fiber
- Stool softener
- 1% Hydrocortisone cream
Fill your bath tub with lukewarm water.
Get into the tub and soak your bottom for at least 15 minutes. Try opening your legs, making sure that the warm water gets to your anal fissures. Do this up to three times a day.
Eat a diet that is high in fiber. Fiber helps to keep your stools soft. Hard stools often cause of anal fissures.
Take a stool softener while you are waiting for your high fiber diet to "kick in." It could take several days before the high-fiber diet begins to work.
Apply 1% hydrocortisone to the area. It may burn slightly when applying, but the pain should dissipate quickly.
Keep the area dry and comfortable. Sweat can irritate the fissure.
Visit your doctor. If the pain does not subside after a few weeks, visit your doctor. She may be able to prescribe a cream that will help you heal faster, or possibly even recommend surgery.