Foods for IBS With Constipation
Soluble Fiber
Soluble fiber can help to ease both constipation and diarrhea due to its distinct ability to regulate and soothe your GI (gastrointestinal) tract.
Soluble Fiber Foods
Foods containing soluble fiber include pasta, oatmeal, rice, barley, yams, turnips, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, carrots, squash, pumpkin, parsnips, quinoa, beets, flour tortillas, cornmeal, mangoes, bananas and papayas.
Insoluble Fiber
People with IBS should increase soluble fiber slowly in their diet, since too much of it can overstimulate your GI tract and cause diarrhea. Peeling fruits and cooking vegetables can help to ease potential distress.
Insoluble Fiber Foods
Foods containing insoluble fiber include whole-wheat products, granola, nuts, seeds, whole grains, popcorn, lentils, beans, berries, cherries, grapes, melons, peaches, dates, rhubarb, pineapple, muesli, pears, nectarines, prunes, leafy greens, cauliflower, onions, celery, broccoli, cabbage and sprouts.
Also be sure to drink plenty of water and juice (a minimum of eight glasses daily) to help soften your bowel movements, making them easier to pass. Avoid caffeinated or alcoholic beverages, as they can have the opposite effect on your IBS-related constipation.