Diet Alternatives for Colitis
According to WebMD, ulcerative colitis is a disease that impacts the rectum and the large intestine (the colon). A person with colitis will experience inflammation of the colon's inside lining and the wall of the rectum. This inflammation causes the affected tissue to become red, swollen and spotted with ulcers. The symptoms of ulcerative colitis are abdominal pain, abdominal cramping and diarrhea. The condition may also cause poor appetite, anemia, fatigue, joint pain and liver problems. Although ulcerative colitis is not caused by any foods directly, certain foods do aggravate the symptoms. For this reason, it is important to manage ulcerative colitis with a specific colitis diet.
Foods To Eat
As with any regular diet, foods high in protein are important for the colitis diet. Foods high in protein include meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products. However, keep in mind that dairy products may further aggravate your colitis symptoms. If you are lactose intolerant, or have a difficult time digesting dairy, you should avoid dairy products completely. Vegetarians can find their protein from dairy products and plant protein sources, such as soybeans. In addition to protein sources, your ulcerative colitis diet should also be high in fiber. High fiber foods should help your digestive system get back into a natural rhythm; these foods include whole grain bread, pasta and cereal, along with fruits and vegetables. However, your doctor may recommend that you limit high fiber foods during a colitis flare-up (when your symptoms are particularly active). It is also extremely important to drink at least eight glasses of water per day, as this will help you from becoming dehydrated or constipated.
Foods To Avoid
Naturally, any specific foods that aggravate your colitis symptoms should be avoided. These foods may vary from individual to individual, so it is important to keep a food diary when you are experience colitis symptoms, in order to link certain foods to the symptoms. As a general rule, WebMD suggests that anyone with ulcerative colitis should avoid the following foods or substances: spicy foods, refined sugar, alcohol, caffeine, carbonated beverages, dried fruits and sorbitol. These foods all tend to further irritate the colon, which results in increased abdominal cramping and pain. In addition, also recommends that you eliminate gas-producing foods from your colitis diet. With colitis, you may already be experiencing a high amount of gas, so limiting the intake of these foods should decrease this symptom a bit. Significant gas-producing foods include broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, dried lentils, onions and cauliflower.