What does it mean to have bowels of mercies?
The term "bowels" is used symbolically in this context, referring to the inner depths of a person's emotions, affections, and sensibilities, akin to the physical intestines or gut area. It suggests that the mercy is not merely intellectual or conceptual but rather a deep, visceral, and emotional response.
The phrase "bowels of mercies" conveys the idea of being filled with compassion and empathy. It signifies a profound and genuine care and concern for others' well-being and a willingness to offer forgiveness, kindness, and restorative actions to those in need. This type of mercy goes beyond mere pity or sympathy; it involves a heartfelt desire to alleviate suffering, show compassion, and demonstrate loving-kindness.
In the Bible, God's bowels of mercies are often described in passages emphasizing His unlimited and enduring mercy towards His people. The idea is that God's mercy is like an abundant and inexhaustible reservoir within Him that He willingly pours out upon those who seek His grace.
The phrase "bowels of mercies" is not just reserved for God but also used to describe the merciful dispositions of certain pious individuals. It underscores the importance of displaying and cultivating compassion, kindness, and tender-heartedness towards others, reflecting God's merciful nature in their own lives and relationships.
In summary, "bowels of mercies" symbolizes a profound emotional depth of compassion, empathy, and tender love that God and certain virtuous individuals possess, motivating them to extend mercy, grace, and loving-kindness to those in need.