How do you determine an abdominal obstruction in x-ray?
- Hernias
- Gallstones
- Tumors
Here are some of the signs indicative of an abdominal obstruction in an x-ray:
* Distended bowel loops
This is the most common sign of an abdominal obstruction. When the bowel is obstructed, it can become dilated or engorged with fluid and gas. This can be seen on x-ray as large, air-filled loops of bowel.
* Air-fluid levels
Air-fluid levels are another common sign of intestinal obstruction. They occur when there is a mixture of air and fluid within the bowel. On x-ray, air-fluid levels appear as horizontal lines within the distended bowel loops.
* Absence of peristalsis
Peristalsis is the normal, wave-like contractions of the bowel. When the bowel is obstructed, peristalsis can be slowed down or even stopped. This can be seen on x-ray as a lack of movement in the bowel loops.
* Thickened bowel wall
In some cases, an obstruction can cause the bowel wall to thicken. This can be seen on x-ray as a hazy appearance to the bowel wall.
* Calcifications
Calcifications are deposits of calcium that can occur in the bowel wall. These can be seen on x-ray as white, opaque spots. Calcifications are often associated with tumors or strictures (narrowed areas) of the bowel.
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